Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Ice Is Melting...

you should've let it melt eons ago. i don't know why you kept in the freezer.

what were you thinking, reliving his memory after all these years?

why do you dwell on your happy moments with him, when all he ever remembers you for is all the hardships he's gone through with you when you were together?

how can you still care for him, when he doesn't even want to be your friend?

how can you want him, when he can't accept you for who you really are?

why can't you forget him, when he doesn't even remember you now?

how can you say he's the best you ever had, when you still have your whole life ahead of you???

why share your dreams with him, when all he's ever done is step on them?

why cry, when he didn't even care to see you smile?

why bare your soul, when he never really saw you for half the person you really are?

why try to be honest, when all he's ever done is avoid your honesty?

why care, when he doesn't?

how can you want to be there for him now, when he doesn't even need you?

how can you want to be there for him now, when he was never ever there for you?

how can you still love him, when he has long ago forgotten you?

the ice is melting.....

so let it.

- taken from Letters to Diego's Mother

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