Monday, December 29, 2014

Facebook Year in Review

i saw this article somewhere on the net about Facebook's new year-end gimmick:

and i can't help but react on this man's rant. well, first, i am sincerely sorry to learn about his loss. i know it's something any of us would never want to go through. but to rant and complain about one of FB's marketing gimmicks, well, i personally think one just shouldn't be facebooking at all if things such as these offend him/her or causes grief. 

i mean, come on, there've been a lot of times that FB has invaded on people's privacy (the fb messenger, for one)... and yet, these people continue to be on FB. i mean, sure, we do get offended each time any of the things we post are taken or get used for whatever purpose without our consent. but then don't we also know that anything we post on the internet would somehow, somewhere eventually end up posted or used where we don't want it?

anybody that has a problem with that should just stop facebooking, or subscribing to any social media network and posting stuff on the internet.

and yes, FB's Year in Review is fun for some people. why be a killjoy about it? if u don't like it, you have the option to just simply hide it from your timeline (i haven't checked if you can just delete it, i do know you can hide it, though). i have it on my timeline but i'm not into it because like the man who complained, my year hasn't been great and to post something that implies otherwise just felt wrong to me, so my FB Year in Review is on my timeline but can only be seen by me). and i also know for a fact that while you can not edit its content (the photos included on it) on fb mobile app, you can do so on a regular pc, laptop, or notebook. if you don't like what's in it, you can hide its visibility on your timeline until you have the time or get the chance to log in to your pc, edit it, put whatever photos you want in it, then share the post with your friends or with whomever you wish. 

it's good that Facebook has been gracious enough to apologize to the grieved man. 

but if it didn't, i still wouldn't be bitching about it.

just sayin'

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