Friday, August 15, 2008

Our Trip to Boracay

we really didn't think our Boracay escapade would still push through after chichi was hospitalized just a couple of days before our scheduled departure. but thank God it did. we were already worrying about how to cancel our trip because Mal can't seem to connect with PAL, but when chichi's doctor found out that we were scheduled to go to Bora, she promised to monitor chichi closely during the day and said that if she continued to be better by evening, she'll disharge chichi. she said, "hindi ko babasagin ang trip nyo". and so that's what she did! chichi was discharged at half past midnight, we went home to scram-pack, caught a few winks, and off to Boracay we went!!! 

CLICK HERE to view our pictures from our first day in Bora.

CLICK HERE to view our day 2 in Bora;

and finally,

CLICK HERE to view our last and finaly day in Bora.

well, too bad jj wasn't able to come with us (again). he said he didn't have money. mal and i already offered to shoulder his expenses. so then he said he's working and couldn't take a leave. he's been there already... so i guess he just wasn't that much crazy to go back.

if you ask me.. i find Boracay to be beautiful (it would be totally moronic of me to say that it's not). but i'm really not the beach or outdoor type of gal... i don't see the point of going through all that trouble (taking the plane, riding the ferry, the tricycles, etcera) just to get to a beach. but of course that's just me. i've heard a lot of people say it's worth all that trouble to go there. mal and ru and my mom have already been to Boracay before, so this wasn't their first time. personally, if i could go somewhere else, i wouldn't really choose to go back there for all that trouble. but chichi did enjoy the beach, though. i believe that was the first time that she actually stepped outside barefoot to feel the sand underneath her feet.

all in all, it was a great holiday. not because we were at one of the most considered to be beautiful beaches in Asia, but because i was there, with my family.

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