Sunday, March 13, 2011

Iphone Firmware Update Sucks!

yeah, like, big time!!!

i tried updating Alan's iphone to apple's (not my cousin) latest firmware, and guess what? it bricked his phone!

now the damned thing's stuck in recovery mode and simply refuses to restore from itunes!

ain't it frustrating? i remember years and years ago, when i still had my first ipod and the said ipod was already on its farewell stage, from time to time it would refuse to turn on, and worse, it would display an icon of an ipod with the sad face. it always made me sad, too, coz then i knew i'd have to slam it down hard on a table or deliberately drop it exactly three feet up from the floor to get it working again.

but of course the same course of action can't be taken on this particular device. this is an iphone we're talking about. dear, precious, expensive iphone that came with a two-year contract. and more importantly, it's not even mine.

to think i was even excited and so looking forward to update Alan's phone! and now it's an expensive piece if brick. and nothing i did brought it back to life.

so we're left with no choice but to take it to an Apple Store and get their people to restore it for us. i just hope they could fix it right away.

good thing Alan was being quite nice about the whole thing. i'm almost positive i would not attempt to downgrade it to re-jailbreak it (well, actually, the whole point of updating it wasn't actually to "update" it. i just wanted to restore it back to its factory settings coz Alan's having some problems with receiving notufications. so i figured we just maybe needed to restore it, and once the issue's been fixed, i'd downgrade it back to its previous firmware version so i could re-jailbreak it.

but after the unsuccesful restore, i very much doubt i would touch it again.

which really sucks. Alan's just starting to enjoy the jailbreak features of his toy. :-(

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