Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thank Gawd It's Wednesday!!!

why? coz wednesday's my favorite day of the week, that's why! i know some people who think that the week starts with sunday (atleast that's what the calendar shows). and i used to think that way, too, but i don't anymore... eversince i started working, and i mean working for a living... not the kind of working right after college... coz working right after college is just like an extension of college. you know, going out there, just trying to make yourself a somebody, proving something to other people, maybe even to yourself, and for me that doesn't really count as working. but when you start working for a living, and by that, i mean working for money (coz i also know some people who drive themselves crazy with work because they've got problems and work becomes a therapy of some sort... well, that doesn't count, either).. and working real hard for it, i'm sure you'll agree then that the week starts to become a gruelling, annoying, dreaded five-day thing that ends on friday, and ALWAYS, starts on monday. saturday and sunday become a separate thing altogether, not part of the hellish week anymore, but some kind of a much anticipated reward for the seemingly redundant five days that just passed. except ofcourse, if you're also working on saturdays, which just leaves you sunday to lull around. well, that sucks, man! you only get to rest on sundays... and the next day... guess what? it's monday again! bloody monday.

i hate mondays! it just means another hell week of work, of exhausting my mind and my body, and of being away from my daughter. well, ofcourse it also means i'll be away from my husband, but then he's working, too, so i don't mind too much that we don't get to be together during the day coz after... well, you know what i mean! (",)...

and that, my dears, is why i love wednesday. not too much, mind... coz it's still just another ordinary weekday - i mean workday. and it's not as if i work less on wednesdays. nope. i still do the same amount of work, put up the same number of hours, as i do during the other workdays. it's just that wednesday falls in the middle of this five-day chaos. which serves to remind me that i'm halfway to my reward which, of course, means the two-day rest... and two whole days with my husband and daughter. wednesday tells me that i've gotten through two days already, and pushes me to go on. wednesday tells me that if i'd gotten through half of this week, why not the rest of it? wednesday keeps me going.

two days.... just two more days... and then it's two whole days of blissfulnezz!

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