Monday, July 28, 2008

Tagaytay Trip with the Family

This is my first time, I think, that I went to Tagaytay. I don't remember ever going there before. Hmmm... oh, no, scratch that. I mean, yeah, I've been there. But not really up close. And not with the family. So here's to the first time with the family!

(minus jj though, he wasn't able to come because: 1st, he's not feeling well. he's been sick for the past couple of days now. and 2nd, i don't think he's too excite to go. But we were all surprised that Dad went, too, though! But it was really so good to have him with us today.

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And then after our trip to Tagaytay (and stopping on the highway for some buko pies and a quick snack at the mushroom burger... we decided to pay Lanie a visit at the hospital (she's just given birth to a healthy baby boy!)... see... hitting two birds with one stone! (",)

And then one last picture-taking with the cousins outside the hospital.

And what good is picture-taking without goofing around?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Going Back Home After Five Years!!!

Finally!!! We're coming home to visit!!! This is chichi's very first ride airplane ride. I was a little nervous but chichi doesn't seem fazed about it.

Now, Alan here, is an entirely different story. He's smiling in the picture. But the truth is, he's scared sh*t:

I expected the flight to be difficult with Chichi . It was a very long flight. But to my surprise (and huge relief, too!)... My little princess behaved so well during the entire journey. She watched in-flight movies, ate, and slept without any problem! That's Chichi amusing herself with the aircraft's TV.