Monday, August 23, 2010

Pasaway na Kung Pasaway!!!

I'm a smart, independent person. I know what I want and I know how to get it. Sure, I can be stupid in my own little (or big) ways. I sometimes get on the wrong train or miss my stop. And you can always count on me to show up late for something because I forgot to set the alarm, or because I got lost, or because I walked too slow coz I wore the wrong shoes, or simply because I didn't care to show up on time. Sure, I sometimes forget to look for the green light before crossing the road.

But that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm a damsel in distress who needs a knight in shining armor to save her day.

If I asked your help for something it doesn't mean I couldn't do it alone. It just means I want you to feel needed. If I asked your opinion it doesn't mean I can't think for myself. I've already decided what to do before I asked you, but I asked you just the same because I want you to feel your opinion matters. If I listen to your whines all the time it doesn't mean you always have my sympathy. I just want you to feel understood. If I want to be with you a lot it doesn't mean I need you to get through the days. I just want you to feel important and loved. If I seem bored and don't know what to do it's because I'm giving you the opportunity to think of something fun to do together.

If you won an argument, you didn't. Not really. I was on your side all along... I just want you to feel you can be wise, and win sometimes, too. If we disagreed on something and later I agreed with you, it doesn't mean I'm giving in. It's more likely that I simply changed my mind. If I appeared weak and vulnerable, it's just so that I can make you feel strong.

So if I'm being too much of a woman, that's only because I want you to feel that you're the man, so that you may start acting like one. (",)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

Aileen Rabago in Paris

a good chatmate and namesake (yeah, i know she wasn't named after me, but this is my blog, so i'm not too strict on my terminologies) of mine, Aileen Rabago, came to Europe last month. she sent me a message in FB a week before to tell me that she'll be visiting Paris for a day and asked if i could tour her around. although we haven't met in person before she came here, we've already chatted several times in the past, and i've always known her as the girlfriend of Ahmed, also a very good friend. and any friend/relative/gf/bf of any good friend of mine is always a more than welcome company for me!

and even though she visited while i was having one of the toughest, toughest times i've had in my entire existence, accompanying her for one night and a day was very refreshing and it gave me a moment to forget my troubles during those times. it also gave me the "first time" opportunities to visit the Notre Dame Cathedral (i haven't been inside the cathedral before Aileen came) and watch The Crazy Horse show.

so i met up with her and her companions (she joined two men in coming to Paris) on the evening of 11th june, at a cafe in Paris 6th.

eventhough i've been in Paris for seven years now, i've never ever really taken the time to tour the city and visit its famous places (except the Eiffel Tower, that is), so i have absolutely no idea where to take them. i was actually hoping they'd have something in mind that they want me to take them to. good thing they did! hehe...

so friday night, i took them to the Eiffel Tower, which they wanted to climb at first but they changed their mind when they saw the long queue for the entrance... because really, it would take more time to stand in line than it would to climb the tower. and then we went to the Arc de Triomphe, and then to Avenue des Champs Elysées. Aileen was quite happy to take it all in. she would have been happy to take the boat ride along the Seine River for a little bit more of sight-seeing, but her two male companions were so bent on seeing The Crazy Horse. although she was quite reluctant to agree, i guess she didn't want to appear killjoy, and also, she didn't want to take off from them out of pakikisama. so off to the Crazy Horse we went. we were late for the first half... and i wasn't really sure it was worth the money to pay for a half-show (eventhough i didn't pay for my entrance). but what did i say about her two male companions? BENT. and so that's how we ended the night. to the second half of The Crazy Hose show.

early the next morning, Saturday... Ai and I met up early in the morning to visit the Louvre (minus her two male companions with whom she agreed to meet at the train station later in the day). she really, really wanted to visit the Louvre so we went there first. she was taking the 4pm-train ride back to Brussels, so i knew that the museum would eat up most of our day. and she was fine with that.

after we took her picture with The Mona Lisa, she was quite happy to get out of the museum, hehe... we still had time for a little chat and to grab some lunch before i accompanied her to the train station. too bad she only had less than 24 hours to visit Paris. we both wish she'll have another chance to go back and stay a few days longer and visit more places. 

CLICK HERE TO VIEW ALL THE PHOTOS from the album Aileen Rabago in Paris.

Friday, June 25, 2010

My New iPhone! Lurveeeetttt!!!

Finally! iPhone 4 is here!!!! hehehehe....

I really wanted a Nokia N900 at frst. As in really, really, really wanted it like crazy! I want iPhone 4, too, but only as a second choice.

Now I'm glad I did get the iPhone 4. I'm just loving everything about it! (",)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Eto Ang Resulta ng Kakulitan ni Hajji

si hajji ang pinsan ng aking butihing asawa. sya rin ay isa sa aking mga malalapit na kaibigan dito sa Paris. kalimitan ay kaya nya akong mapa-payag sa maraming bagay. tulad na lamang ng pagsali bilang backup dancer sa darating na concert nila next week.

dahil jan, nagkakaroon kami ng practice. kanina ung final practice namin para sa aming sayaw. syempre bawat praktis may picture-taking. pero madalas dugyut kami pag nagpa-praktis. syempre laging pawisan eh. kahit sa last praktis namin walang exemption. mga dugyut pa rin...

at dahil last na praktis at piktyuran na 'to... tinodo na namin ng bonggang bongga ang kodakan!

NARITO ANG LAHAT ng pruweba ng aming pang-aabuso sa aming mga camera.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sigrid Uy in Paris

a high school chum from BA came to Paris for a day tour today. her name is Sigrid Uy. almost like Aileen Rabago (an online friend who visited last year), i never really had any social interaction with Sigrid before she came to Paris... or... should i say, before facebook. she contacted me through a common high school friend, Maricel Ramos (who lives in Rome, Italy).

but unlike Aileen (whom i never met before i came here, but had talked to several times on the net), i've always known Sigrid from high school days (i'm almost positive she didn't know me then), albeit not personally. she was quite popular in school then. i know she was popular, coz i knew her. i mean, in high school, if it's somebody i know, then he/she must have been popular... coz i never really gave a damn about other people except my current classmates... unless that person was really popular that i couldn't help but to have heard about him/her. and sigrid always had a way of standing out from the crowd. although i must admit, i never really liked her in high school. she gave off the impression of being snooty. well, atleast to me.

but anyhow... so... maricel told me she'll be coming over, and that if i want, i could contact her. she wasn't on my contacts list yet, and i really did intend to send her a message. pero naunahan nya ko. (",)

so we met at the train station, and eventhough we haven't seen each other for so long, i think i'll recognize her in the crowd (some of our batchmates have commented that she's changed so much in appearance, but i don't agree, though. i mean, well, ofcourse, she looks older compared to when we were younger (who doesn't, anyway?)... and perhaps her face is fleshier now (i think she used to be skinny in high school), and she looks so much better as well. but i'd still recognize her.

i never knew her personally in high school, we never got to hang out, we never talked, we never even so much as greeted each other on the corridors. first because we were never classmates and second because, well, i think we just both didn't care about one another's existence. and, like i said, on my part, i think she was snooty. not a snob. snooty.

but i wouldn't know if she really was, since i never really knew her before. but if she was, well, she isn't snooty now. nu-uh. not even one tiny bit. if anything, i find her to be nothing but a really sweet and modest person. and honestly, i really, really had a wonderful time with her. i wish she could have stayed longer.

sometimes i could go hating on FB, but whenever i think about the opportunities it has given me to find old friends, and meet new people and make new friends, like i think what happened with me and Sig, i just can't help but be thankful.

me and Sigrid in front of the Trocadero Fountains (yeah, she's so tall, kainis)

i have the entire PHOTO ALBUM HERE

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Welcome, Year 2010!!!


we welcomed the year in our home, with the only relatives i have here in Paris. as usual, Noemi is the ever-reliable organizer of lahat ng gimik at kalokohan. and take note... may motif pa talaga ang celebration! hulaan nyo kung ano:

View our New Year's Eve Celebration HERE.